After I re-read the story Antigone, I feel this is a very good story. In this story, the wirter depicts many people's death, and there is some valuable meaning behind each person's death. That's the reason why tragedy is the process that valuable things were ruined. Antigone is a tragedy by Sophocles written before 442 B.C. The main character Antigone is the play's tragic heroine. She has a boyish physique, and her fratemity with her brother Polynices make her die.
In this play, Antigone appears as a young girl who rise up alone against state powers. She has two brothers, Eteocles and Polynices, and they killed each other in a battle. The King Creon banned a decree that nobody can bury Polynices. However, Antigone, ignore the decree and follow the god's rule to bury her brother. Unlike her docile sister Ismene, Antigone is recalcitrant. She was trying to persuade her sister to bury their brother, but Ismene refused.
Creon, the king, killed Antigone, and his son Haemon died besides his dead lover Antigone. Haemon loves Antigone strongly. When he knows that his father, Creon, captures Antigone, he threats Creon that he will commit suicide if Antigone was killed. Finally, this warning did not working, and both Antigone and Haemon were died.
After their death, Haemon's mother Eurydice died without saying a word. The lost of son makes her feel so hard to express her feelings and passions. I can tell she loves her son. When she knew that Haemon was dead, she killed herself right away.
This is a tragedy because that all valuable things were dismissed, and the love make more people die. Finally, Creon lost all his familes, suffered the loneliness and punishments which were made by himself.
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