Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I have read several ancient literary works in this class. Among these stories, Lysistrata is my favourite. Unlike Gilgamesh and Bhagavad-Gita, Lysistrata describes the "battle" between women and men, which indicates the relationship between women and men. the Lysistrata is a story that talks about an Athenian woman who have taken control of the Acropolis in Athens. They are pretesting against the endless wars that men are fighting and refuse sex with their husbands unless they stop the battles.

The relation between men and women is always a topic people talk about. Compare to present day standards, Athenian women were only a little bit better than slaves. From birth a girl was not exprected to learn how to read or write, nor was she expected to earn an education. Their father controlled them before they were married, and their spouse controlled them once they were married. However, in the play, the women demand the end of war and they take action. Also, a contingency of elderly women take over the Acropolis and fight off the opposing force of elderly men. So, I think Aristophanes worte this story because he wants this happen that someday women can do something by themselves. In fact, in ancient Athens, the idea that women can stop a war or that they can organize themselves is just a humor. Women were seen as the property of men, so how can they protest against their "property owners".

It is hard to say this world is dominate by men, without women, history will stop quickly. In the end of the Lysistrata, the men are desperate for sex and they give up to fight the battles. A messager from the Spartan arrives and ask for peace talking. The Spartan and Athenian delegates arrive to talk terms for peace. Lysistrata was scolding for both parties' errers and the peace terms were confirmed quickly. The night was end up with celebration party and the men and women were dancing together. I think this ending is what Aristophanes wants. The story shows that without any men or women, this world will not work great. Only when men and women work together equally and harmony, everything will have a happy ending like Lysistrata.

1 comment:

  1. I would agree with you on how man use to think of woman in ancient times, I also believe in many places they still believe that women could never be equal to man. I believe that the revolt being organize by Lysistrata represents the rest of the country, after being taken advantage by their own government representatives.
